Panorama of Events

Politicians Open to “Be Veg, Go Green” Message

By Ottawa News Group (Originally in English)

[Ottawa] Recently, Canadian initiates launched a letter writing campaign to apprise politicians across the country that meat consumption is a major contributor to global warming and that the vegetarian diet is a viable, easy, low-cost way to stop climate change.

Within a mere three weeks before Canadians were going to choose their next Prime Minister in the October 14 federal election, this worthy project was accomplished with the dedicated cooperation and wise input from initiates across Canada, particularly  from Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver and Kingston. About 750 letters and emails, along with SOS flyers, were sent to politicians across the country who were running for election, including the French-speaking candidates. Some examples of positive feedback from the politicians:

· Nadine Hawkins, Ontario: “I have been a vegetarian for about 20 years … I appreciate your comment on changing the global diet.”

· Dave Burkhart, Alberta: “I've been a vegetarian for three years now, partly because of the negative impacts to our water, land and air from intensive agro-business, partly because of the inhumane practices of factory farms and slaughterhouses… Removing meat from my diet was one of the most positive changes I have made in my life, one that I would recommend to everybody.”

· Nettie Wiebe, Saskatchewan: “I have a strong record on the environment and am an organic farmer.”

· David Blair, British Columbia: “I have been a vegetarian for 18 years simply out of compassion for animals and in opposition to animal cruelty (agri-industry), but had not considered the impact on climate change. Thank you for that information. I will add this perspective to policy discussions on both the climate change and health areas. I will also be sharing your perspective with others and encouraging that we make people aware of the benefits of vegetarianism in addressing climate change, improving personal health and reducing animal cruelty. I think we should all strive to be examples of compassion and love, to remind us of our shared humanity and our common commitment to building a better world for ourselves and our children.”

What encouraging statements from our nation’s political circles! Let’s pray that the vegetarian diet quickly gains more prominence with the Canadian government as a true solution to saving the planet!

Letters from Canadian politicians supporting vegetarianism and the environment

Creatively Introducing a Healthy Way of Living

By Victoria News Group (Originally in English)

[Victoria, B.C.] Joined by initiates from Vancouver, B.C. and Seattle, USA, the Victoria Center presented a How to be a Healthy Vegetarian/Vegan seminar on September 26, Golden Year 5 (2008). The initiates took a very creative approach by compiling a special Handout Booklet addressing the most often asked questions from the non-vegetarians and a Recipe Book to help people make an easy transition into the healthy alternative life style.
I don’t eat meat because it would hurt animals

During the seminar, an extensive introduction to the SOS Climate Change Conference held in Hollywood was covered. The audience was invited to sing a song dedicated to the endangered animal species—the marmots of Vancouver Island—along with a sister initiate. Their beaming faces and eager participation reflected the joy and compassion for these beautiful animal friends. A vegan child came forward and told the audience that she doesn’t eat meat and doesn’t drink milk because it will hurt the animals. This brought tears to everyone’s eyes!

Next, the initiates gave a PowerPoint presentation on How to be A Healthy Vegetarian/Vegan, which turned out to be a great success. Afterwards, they were treated with a colorful array of vegetarian food and the guests were surprised with all the tasty varieties! Some grandmothers were grateful to learn the proper way to feed their grandchildren.

The seminar ended with another beautiful visual presentation, Remember with Your Heart, showing animals and nature accompanied by beautiful music. Master’s book The Noble Wilds and a special mandala made by an initiate, To Save The Earth, were given out as gifts. All the guests felt uplifted and hopeful! They were ready to return home and immediately start cooking vegetarian meals; most of them were even interested in going totally vegan!