Love in Action

Master has always been extremely concerned about disasters that occur worldwide. Whenever receiving news about disasters anywhere, She immediately renders relief by providing financial assistance as well as dispatching rescue teams to help in the affected areas. Through such relief efforts, we are also conveying Master’s love to the disaster victims. It is evident that Master’s unconditional love, silent blessing and help have reduced worldwide disasters to a minimum.

In recognition of the selfless actions of all governments, organizations and relief workers from every corner of the world, Master would like to convey this message of gratitude:

“Thank you, all the international help that brings care and necessities to afflicted victims. Thank you all the relief workers for taking time and forsaking your own comfort, even traveling great distance on unfavorable roads and conditions to bring love and assistance to people in a time of need. May Heaven bless you abundantly for your generosity and noble sacrifice.”

North Korea


North Korea Flood Relief Work

By Korea News Group (Originally in Korean)

North Korea’s recent flood disaster was one of the worst with about 600 lives lost or missing and 400,000 victims. Countless houses and buildings as well as 20 percent of the farmland were destroyed. Due to the unprecedented disaster, even the South-North Korean summit meeting was postponed to early October. As a result of the tragedy, government and civil organizations in Korea as well as international organizations have been actively providing loving assistance to North Korea.

<First Relief>

Immediately after the disaster occurred, Supreme Master Ching Hai asked Korean fellow initiates to help the flood victims. Thus, US$10,000 worth of relief materials were provided to the victims through the Inter-Korea Civil Organization Council. Per request from the Council officials, our Association purchased a total of 40,000 pieces of high-quality soap to help the victims clean up the muddy stuff at home.

On August 25, in Incheon Port, the emergency relief materials were loaded onto a large ship. Before the ship departed, a ceremony was held for those organizations that participated in the relief work. At the ceremony, clergyman Hong Jung-Gil (Chief of the Inter-Korea Civil Organization Council) said, “We are all very touched that The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association came to help us so quickly. The entire Council is very grateful. Thank you.”

<Second Relief>

Master sent US$30,000 to Association members in South Korea to help the North Korean victims. Thus, the relief team promptly purchased aid items and on September 6 sent off a 30KW-grade power generator and construction materials (1,500kg of nails) for emergency recovery works.

<Third Relief>

On the third occasion, Korean Association members purchased relief materials swiftly in order to meet a special land transportation schedule. The third batch of relief materials consisted of 1,400 packs of flour, 2,250 cooking pots, and 1,000 blankets, totaling about US$29,300.

Initiates purchased high-quality blankets for the flood victims because the cold season comes early in North Korea. It was vital to deliver flour to the victims because much of the farmland was lost due to the ravaging floods, causing record food shortages.

On September 12, the emergency relief items were delivered by road to Gaeseong City in North Korea. Normally, delivering civil materials by land is very rare. However, our Association’s Korean relief team was able to deliver the aid items with approval from the South Korean government along with other relief organizations. This was an exceptional and unexpected occurrence and just shows that North Korea is rapidly changing for the better and heading in a positive direction. When the team arrived at Gaeseong, the people there were very pleased to receive the supplies from Master.

Korean Association members never thought they would be able to go to North Korea and deliver relief items directly. But, throughout the mission, Master provided guidance and sent funds for the relief work, which gave strength and encouragement to the relief team to accomplish the task. Korean initiates are deeply appreciative of God’s wonderful arrangements.


Expenditures by The Supreme Master Ching Hai
and Her International Association
for the Flood Relief Work in North Korea





Amount (WON)

Receipt No.

Relief materials (Flour, blankets, soap, cooking pots)



30KW-grade power generator



Construction nails



Misc. expenses (Packaging, banner, delivery, etc)




KRW 49,839,300
US$ 54,368



To view the Humanitarian Relief Activities by the Supreme Master Ching Hai and Her International Association, please visit
(The list can be sorted by year, country/region and type of events.)