Selected Questions and Answers


Sharing the World of Animals

From a videoconference in Formosa between Master and readers of Her new book,
on August 24, 2007 (Originally in Chinese)

Q. Master! Will You please talk about Your main objective of writing “The Birds in My Life”?

M. Firstly, to all readers with affinity I wish to introduce the magnificent animal friends of our world. One of them is the birds, which are really beautiful, and their souls are also very, very beautiful. As well, they are highly intelligent and have deep feelings, just like us. Therefore, I hope everyone can appreciate them. Secondly, perhaps through these little bird friends, we can understand more about other sentient beings.

Q. What is the message that this book intends to convey to the readers and the general public?

M. We hope that humans will understand more about the world of animals, and will treat them as partners, take better care of them, and try to understand each other. At present, some people do not understand the animals; they think animals are stupid and unintelligent. In fact they are very clever and intelligent.