Panorama of Events

United Kingdom

The Incredible Veggie Show

By London News Group (Originally in English)
Heather Mills invites non-veg members of the audience to the stage, and makes veg replacements for their favorite meals.


[London] On Saturday June 30, Golden Year 4 (2007), London initiates took part in an event called ‘The Incredible Veggie Show', Europe's largest ever vegetarian event held in Victoria, London. This event was organized by Viva! (Vegetarians International Voice for Animals), a charitable organization whose patron is Heather Mills, a world-known campaigner for amputees and animal rights.

The venue was packed with thousands of existing vegetarians, vegans and those looking to switching to a more compassionate lifestyle. Most visitors were invited to fill in questionnaires and take a pledge to go vegetarian or vegan.

All information about vegetarianism/veganism was available, including delicious vegan food samples, wonderful cooking demonstrations by a very popular vegetarian cookery author, Rose Elliot, and an inspiring talk on changing to a vegetarian diet by Heather Mills. There were also talks on the health aspects of the vegetarian diet, and why dairy products are not needed to maintain good health. This was a delightful family day, with everything from baby products to footwear exhibited in the 100 vegetarian booths.

London initiates held a stall selling delicious home baked vegan cakes of varying ingredients. Leaflets to promote Supreme Master Television together with Alternative Living, and recipes were distributed throughout the day. Many visitors showed great interest in our new television channel and many enquired about our meditation. The organizers were making a documentary on the show, visiting many stalls of interest. They visited our stall to interview us regarding our new television channel.


Creating Spiritual Affinity
by Serving Vegan Foods
By sister-initiate Ruth Stannard, Surrey, UK (Originally in English)

Many people enjoy the vegan foods we provided in our trailer.

[Surrey] Our Association members in the UK attended the world's biggest music festival held at Glastonbury in Somerset on June 21-24 to sell a variety of vegan foods. Despite the wet weather conditions, spirits were high and we had many people returning to our trailer day after day saying how delicious the food was.

With Masters Supreme Master Television flyers put around the trailer, many formed an affinity by glancing at Master's beautiful picture.

In the early hours of one morning, we were visited by two members of the Hari Krishna Association. They said they were attracted to the trailer by the positive energy emitting from it and enjoyed a vegetarian burger with us. Another example of Master blessing came another day when a man who was working in the stand next door came to have his breakfast and told us he had been a vegetarian for two days after hearing a sister say she didn't eat animals because she loved animals. This statement had a profound affect on him and he said he would now remain a vegetarian.

Whilst at the festival, we noticed the great efforts made by the organizers to help the environment; these came in the way of recycling all waste and monitoring the usage of disposable plates, cups etc.

Thank You so much, Master, for blessing the people at Glastonbury festival with Your ever present boundless love.



With deep compassion for animals and concerned about repeated outbreaks of epidemic diseases among animals and humans, Master has offered the world a fundamental solution to the problem by personally designing a friendly but convincing leaflet entitled “Alternative Living” to remind people to choose the vegetarian diet and stop killing in order to overcome global medical crises and save our fellow beings. Master has also instructed all initiates to share this message with their brothers and sisters in every corner of the world. In response, the practitioners have initiated an all-out effort to share Her words of love.

Events Datebook

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events.

You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our activities, please visit the following URL: