Creating a Compassionate and Vegetarian Global Village

God's Message on Buddha's Birthday

By brother-initiate Ajay Shrestha, Kathmandu, Nepal (Originally in Nepalese)

May 13, Golden Year 3 (2006) was the day of Shakyamuni Buddha's 2550th birthday. On that day initiates of the Kathmandu Center gathered to distribute the Alternative Living flyers in Nepalese at "Shoyambhu Nath Temple”. Thousands of people gather there every year on that day to celebrate Shakyamuni Buddha's birthday. Upon receiving the flyers, the people were very much impressed by the noble idea and its beautiful design, and thus requested more information. The flyer was so attractive that it was suitable for all age groups. With an endless number of people flowing in like a river, this kept the initiates very busy distributing and explaining about being vegetarian. In two short hours, all the flyers had been distributed. People were very happy to receive God's message, and will remember it and this day for a long time.

* Shoyambhu Nath Temple is one of the World’s Heritage Sites. Shakyamuni Buddha was born in "Lumbini", in the southern part of Nepal, 2550 years ago; and to the entire world, this place is known as “the light of Asia".


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