Master Says

Only the Enlightened Can Know God and Benefit Humanity

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Malaysia, February 27, 1992 (Originally in English) Videotape # 220

In the olden times people who practiced with a Master would call that Master “the Lord.” Calling the Master “Lord” means God and they would say, “The Lord is omnipotent, omnipresent,” and so on. Actually, they didn’t know of any invisible God. They knew of the Lord who lived with them, smiled with them, ate with them and talked with them. And so it is that from the so-called scriptures, we learn to know the Lord; we learn to know what we call God.

But actually from the beginning “the Lord” was a Master of some kind. And the disciples wrote about their experiences, saying, “My Lord is so merciful: He helps me in disasters; He teaches me the path of Light. I see Him as Light; I see Him come to me as Light. I see Him talking to me as thunder, as the sound of many waters,” and so on. Thus, we learn from these scriptures to know the so-called Lord, but we don't know who that Lord is! Because He’s really the disciple’s Lord, not our Lord. That disciple knew Him personally; we didn't.

So there’s no need to talk about the Lord if we don't know about Him or Her, and no need to call that the impersonal Lord or the personal Lord because there is none. As long as you yourself don’t nourish the Lord within you and don’t recognize the power that the Lord within you has, no Lord exists for you, no Lord whatsoever. Because you don't know Hirm. The Lord is only inside you according to your level. The more you practice, the more the Lord will become obvious to you, and then you can write many songs praising the Lord.

Actually it’s you; it’s your level. Now that you recognize the goodness within you, the power that you possess, you know that this is what’s called “the Lord.” And the more you grow, the more glorious God or the Lord becomes and the more you know how glorified the Lord inside you is. That's how we know the Lord; there’s no other way. It doesn't matter how many people praise “the Lord, the Lord, the Lord.” If you don't know Hirm, what’s the use for you?

So the only way to know the Lord is to know Hirm personally because even if another person realizes Hirm and tells you that his Lord has done many wonders for him, that Lord won’t help you. Hes can’t! You have to realize your own Lord and make Hirm yourself. That’s why I don’t tell you to worship God or to worship the Buddha: I tell you how to make Buddhas. Making God, that’s the power we have. (Applause)

Even though there’s a God, if you don't realize Hirm, you’ll never know. Even though God exists, or God exists for him or for her, that God is of no use to you. That's why many followers of this tradition or that religion might keep saying, “God, God, God,” but they don't ever know what God is. They can never make use of that God. So what’s the use to you if that God exists? Whether you praise Hirm or curse Hirm, it’s all the same because Hes is just non-responsive. So Hes is actually non-existent! And yet you keep praising, and this is most blasphemous.

But never mind; each one has to learn his or her own lessons. It’s just that when I talk to you, I can’t avoid making these strong statements so that you wake up and understand the logic of making your own God, so that you understand why the Bible said, “The kingdom of God is within you.” And then you understand why the Buddha said, “Buddha is your heart, is inside you” because you make Hirm. You wake Hirm up. You make Hirm grow; you realize how much power Hes has, and then you make use of It for the benefit of yourself and humankind.

That’s when you know Buddha or God, and then you can praise Hirm; you can call Hirm God or Buddha or the Lord or whatever you want. But make use of Hirm; don’t only praise Hirm and worship Hirm. You can worship and you can praise, but only after you know how much power Hes gives you and how much power Hes has. And you only know this when you realize inside that there’s nowhere else you’ll find Hirm. (Applause)

A Master Empathizes with the Suffering of All Beings

I cry sometimes—for you, for other people, for the world, for all the people who need help and don't know how to get it, for all the people who swim in ignorance and don't want to get out, for all the people in the hell realms suffering for many thousands of years and no one cares.

There are many reasons for me to cry. I know it's all illusion, but they don't. It's no good that I alone know that’s it’s all illusion but the sufferer who suffers doesn’t know. And sometimes I can’t make them know because they don't want to know. They truly don't want to know, and that can make me cry because their suffering makes me suffer.


Without a Master We Cannot Know God

The grace of the Master or the grace of God is very, very important. Throughout the ages, people have praised God, saying, “The Lord, the Lord of mercy, the Lord who cut the chains of my ignorance, the Lord who cut asunder my chains of transmigration” and so on. But this is actually ascribed to the living Master at that time only. There is no other God besides the Master.

If you have no Master, you won't know God. You can only know God through a Master, because the Master teaches you how to know God. Then you know that you are also the Master; you are God. And then you praise the Master because the Master is so merciful: “Without the Master, I couldn't even know God!” So the Master is placed before God because God really is non-existent apart from your own enlightenment, your own realization. There is no other God. (Applause) I hope you understand that. It's really abstract, but so logical. If you don't understand, I really, really admire your ignorance! (Master and everyone laugh)


Initiation is the Breakthrough and Meditation is the Practice of Divine Power

By the grace of the Master and the God power inside, at the time of initiation we can get cleansed. Even though we might not be very pure at that moment, in the presence of God's power we get cleansed. So we get through! We break through the prison door, and for a while we can see the Light and Sound that exist beyond material existence. That's why we call it instant or immediate enlightenment.

So we hear the Sound, meaning that we have contact with the higher worlds. We’re fixed now; we’re no longer disconnected, and we see the Light, meaning that we’re pure or clean enough to break through. It’s just like the sun that’s outside when you’re inside the door. If you don’t walk through the door, you won’t see the sun even though it exists. The same is true for the Light and Sound of God: They exist, but because we’re closed up, encased in this prison of our own prejudice and thoughts from our inaction for many lifetimes, we can’t see.

So at the time of initiation, the Master gives us a chance to break through, once and for all. But we have to keep going. There are many more ‘beyonds’ to discover, not only during initiation. The initiation is only the beginning, but even then this beginning is a very high beginning. Because many people work their way up from one chakra to the next up to here (Master points to the wisdom eye) for ten years perhaps before they can see the Light.

But we begin from the wisdom eye. The Master gathers up the whole power and transmits it to you there. Then you can see the Light, and from there you go up. The wisdom eye is the door of Heaven, through which you can go to many mansions. But this is only the beginning. Even if you go to the Fifth World in one day during initiation, you have to go again every day to get used to it. Because the higher worlds have higher frequencies, and our burdened soul is not very familiar with that yet.

So we have to practice getting used to this higher kind of life. That way, when we leave this world, we’re ready. We’re prepared enough in our knowledge of other frequencies to be able to adapt to the new dimensions.


Make Every Minute Count

Whenever you have free time, you should meditate. There’s no need to always meditate in the early morning or in the evening. Those are your regular hours, but in between, whenever you have time to rest just sit and meditate. Every minute you earn is added to your storehouse of merit.

Meditation is very important. Now that you want to earn your place in Heaven, you must work for it and prepare yourself for it. So, if you think you truly aspire to a higher way of life, to be of higher service to the universe and become a saint or a wiser being in order to work with the wiser beings in other levels, then just work for it until you take your exams and get qualified. But you must work every day. It’s just like going to school: You work and work every day. So any of your spare time you should reserve for meditation.


Meditation Provides All the Answers

Whenever you have problems, just meditate more; ask the inner Master and the answer will come. Should the answer not come or should you not understand the answer, you can write me a letter. Sometimes as soon as you finish writing, you already understand and the answer is there. But in case you still don't understand enough, you can put the letter in an envelope and send it off to me.


Make Effective Use of Your God Power and Wisdom

I hope you do your duty and stay true to your promise as a savior of humankind. Because what you do affects the whole planet. You will see that, in deep samadhi, when you arrive at that stage.

At least you know that what we’re doing isn’t wrong. I’ve told you many times, and if you don’t understand—because sometimes when I speak you might be distracted or looking at my clothes so you forget my words—you should get the videotapes and watch them again and again. Each time, you’ll understand more and understand differently.

Be diligent in learning both the logic and the practice. They go hand in hand. Because otherwise you’ll just be using blind faith and not knowing why you’re doing it. Then again, you might know even without me telling you. If you practice well, you’ll know all the answers. You’re wise; you have God power and wisdom. Make use of them.
