Elevation of the Soul

Supreme Master Ching Hai's
Latest DVDs


696 Freedom beyond Body and Mind

International Six-day Retreat at the Youngdong Center, Korea, May 9-10, 2000

<Spoken in English, with subtitles in 22 languages; new subtitles added in the second edition >

Summary: The mind often distorts the soul’s commands, causing us to make mistakes and affecting our social relationships. How can we overcome such situations? What are the two types of karma? Why is karma erased through the Sound meditation? How can we see Master’s transformation body quickly? One does not have to be serious to be a saint for as Master says, "You are all a beautiful part of Creation just like the beautiful poems in an anthology. You all have a beautiful life to live." Master encourages us to make changes in our daily lives so that earthly existence can become more beautiful and interesting.



689 Enlightenment and Ignorance


Lecture in Katmandu, Nepal, May 1, 2000

<Spoken in English, with Nepalese oral translation and subtitles in 23 languages; new subtitles added in the second edition>

Summary: There is a fine line between enlightenment and ignorance. Since the difference is so subtle, what should we do to rise above ignorance and attain enlightenment? Will we suffer for the improper acts we committed before we became enlightened? Cultures use myriad languages to describe God, but what language does God speak? What is yoga? Why is the Quan Yin Method also a form of yoga? Is there any similarity between the Quan Yin Method and psychic healing?



588 Master’s Pilgrimage to

the Himalayas (Parts 1 & 2)

Group meditation in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.,
July 7-8, 1997

<Spoken in English, with subtitles in 26 languages>

Summary: Master shares stories and experiences from the days when She ventured alone in the Himalayas on a pilgrimage. The areas covered include wonders She witnessed along the River Ganges, amusing events that occurred during Her visits to various ashrams, and Her spectacular adventure at the sacred Indian festival the Kumbha Mela, where She encountered many strange people and incidents. Master also tells us the story of Alexander the Great’s search for the Lake of Immortality, and citing Herself as an example, teaches us how to eliminate obstacles and surmount trials in order to attain spiritual growth.




240 Leading the World into

a New Era

Group meditation in Hsihu, Formosa,
April 10 and May 8, 1992

<Spoken in English, with subtitles in 22 languages; new subtitles added in the second edition>

Summary: Master encourages us to become the world’s torchbearers and paragons of loving sacrifice in leading humankind into a new era by examining the following questions: What do we have to do to achieve this ideal? Some ancient civilizations advanced to levels more glorious than that of modern society, but why did they ultimately decline? Do UFOs really exist? Why are beings from other planets afraid to approach the Earth openly?




671 To Be Enlightened

Lecture in Tel Aviv, Israel, November 21, 1999

<Spoken in English with subtitles in 25 languages; new subtitles added in the second edition>

Summary: The Bibles states that we are all children of God. Then why does so much suffering befall human beings? How can we realize God’s great universal plan? Can all human beings become enlightened? What special feelings do we have at the moment of enlightenment? Why should we avoid healing others through physic power? How can a person with heavy guilt feelings love himself? Why does Master say that the devil is actually a beautiful, merciful and loving angel?


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