Panorama of Events

Report from Ghana

A Colorful,
piritual Vegetarian Food Fair
n Ghana

By the Accra News Group

[Accra] On December 26, 2004, the traditional English holiday known as Boxing Day, initiates from the Accra Center, Ghana, West Africa, organized their first food fair as a way to promote Master's teachings among neighborhood residents, friends, relatives and Convenient Method practitioners. The event was also organized to enlighten guests on the spiritual and physical benefits of vegetarianism.

Prior to the fair the Center was beautifully decorated to welcome the visitors. Then after a brief opening prayer, Master was introduced through a biographical video.  And afterwards, having been captivated by Master's wisdom, sincerity and pure, simple speech, the guests showed deep interest in Her teachings by asking many insightful spiritual questions.

The sisters and brothers also shared with the audience how their daily lives have changed since encountering Master's teachings. Among the guests was a Christian minister who had already registered for the Convenient form of practice and said of Master, "I see Master as the embodiment of God, the Supreme Master of the Universe and a manifestation of God on Earth." The reverend also expressed a longing to be initiated into the Quan Yin Method and to help spread Her teachings to bring peace to the planet. Other members of the clergy were also touched by Master's words and wished to return to the Center and register for the Convenient Method.

After the video presentation and question-and-answer session, the visitors were offered a variety of sumptuous vegetarian dishes created from local foodstuffs and prepared by fellow initiates, along with soft drinks made of soy beans and corn sprouts. While sampling the food and drinks the guests were highly appreciative, with many asking for further information on vegetarianism and the recipes for the food items.

During the fair, several visitors had wonderful experiences to recount. For example, one woman said that after entering the Accra Center she suddenly experienced a great sense of bliss and happiness and felt a warm, spiritual presence within the building. Another guest, upon seeing Master's picture, walked

straight to it, stood in front of it and stared at it for about fifteen minutes. In addition, another sister pleaded to stay behind after the fair to watch two more of Master's videos.

These experiences, combined with the confidence exhibited by the initiates, implied the fact of Master's presence during the event. Thus the Accra Center initiates would like to say, "Thank You, Master. We love You and are deeply grateful to You for always being at our side to direct and guide us in whatever we do."

Panorama of Events:
Poland | UK | Ghana | Mexico | USA | Korea | Formosa

Events Date Book

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events worldwide.
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit the following URLs: (English) (Chinese)