Pearls of Wisdom


Appreciation of God
Comes About
through Knowing a Master

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
February 27, 1992, Malaysia (Originally in English) 
Videotape #220

There are many tales in Indian folklore about the Lord and the Master that are sung as songs and say things like, "If God appeared before me and my Master appeared before me, whom would I bow to? I would bow to my Master first. God doesn't care about my transmigration through the cycles of this life and death existence. God has thrown me into the sea of suffering, but my Master lifts me up. He or She saves my soul; He or She carries me through this stormy life. So I worship my Master."

Truly, without the Master, how can you know God? How will you know that God exists within you, that you can make use of this God power to save yourself, save your life and your energy, save your relatives and friends and make use of your existence? Only the Master can show you the way to do this.

I know from my own experience that it's beautiful to know God inside. And what we call the inner Master and the inner God power are really the same thing.


Pearls of Wisdom:

Appreciation of God Comes About through Knowing a Master
We are One with Godliness

God Can be Experienced Every Day, Everywhere

Direct Contact with God Leads to Ultimate Oneness