Quan Yin Messenger's Travel Log

The Quan Yin Method Returns to an Ancient Civilization

By a Quan Yin messenger (Originally in Chinese)


Through Master's mercy and the diligent work of a few local initiates, the spiritual seeds sown in Iran have sprouted, come into full bloom and yielded fruit as the Quan Yin family recently opened its arms to a new group of Iranian members, giving the country greater positive power for a peaceful and brilliant future.

This process began with the initiation of an Iranian brother who was initiated abroad and became convinced of the benefits of Quan Yin practice when he discovered that the Method conformed to his Islamic faith, which fact he grew to understand more deeply through contemplation of the inner Light and Sound. Upon returning to his homeland, he overcame all obstacles and persisted in his vegetarian diet and meditation practice, doing everything possible to introduce this superb method to his relatives and friends and touching their hearts with his wisdom, love, faith and sincerity. Thus, in response to their earnest longing to be initiated into the Quan Yin Method, our compassionate Master sent a Quan Yin messenger to Iran to conduct an initiation session for the Iranian sisters and brothers.

The would-be initiates asked many questions of the messenger before the doubts in their hearts were erased and smiles of satisfaction lit up their faces. After receiving confirmation that the Quan Yin Method is in complete accord with Islamic doctrine, the sisters and brothers were happily initiated and all were blessed with wonderful visions and experiences of the inner Sound during the session.

In addition, an elderly woman in the group, who suffered from a chronic backache that limited her Convenient Method practice to no more than ten minutes, twice entered deep samadhi and could not be roused while attending group meditation sessions during the messenger's visit. The sister sat upright the whole time, looking dignified and tranquil, and upon emerging from samadhi, she strengthened the faith of the other new initiates while describing the beautiful lights she had seen within. The brother who had introduced her to the Method said it had taken four years of effort to persuade her of the benefits of meditation and for her to begin practicing the Convenient Method, and it is now impossible to keep her from meditating! These remarks caused everyone listening to smile with understanding.

Unable to contain her emotions, another newly initiated sister noted the close ties between the Quan Yin Method and Islam and how the path has given her deeper insights into her religion. She said she now realizes the real meaning of the Muslim custom of having women wear headscarves, and why their prayer mats are so sacred to Muslims. For another Iranian sister living abroad, her father's objections to her meditation practice dissolved after he observed the unbiased altruistic spirit of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief workers who assisted victims during the recent earthquake in Iran. Being touched by Master's absolute love, the man earnestly and courteously welcomed the Quan Yin messenger as an old friend.

The transformations that occurred among the Iranian brothers and sisters strengthen our faith that the Quan Yin Method is the source of all religions as stated in ancient scriptures. In Her lecture in Turkey in 1999, Master also said that before their prayers five times a day, Muslims have to quiet their minds prior to reaching the inner level of Prophet Mohammed when He communicated with the angel in the mountain cave near Mecca. Similarly, the Quan Yin Method is a deep, silent prayer that brings us into direct contact with God through the inner Light and Sound.

Upon his arrival in the land of the pure, benevolent Iranian people, the Quan Yin messenger found himself warmly welcomed by the local fellow practitioners and their children. And later, several of the teenagers in the group drew pictures as gifts representing their love and friendship for the messenger, who was truly touched by this sweet gesture. (Refer to photographs.) May God bless the kind, pure and sincere Iranian people so that many more can soon come to practice the Quan Yin Method, experience the Heavenly realm while living and return to their Heavenly Home.

Master's Wonders:
A Most Brilliant and Sacred Ritual
Walking on the Golden Path

Quan Yin Messenger’s Travel Log:
The Quan Yin Method Returns to an Ancient Civilization
Southeast Asians Grow Strong in the Heavenly Light
