Between Master and Disciples

On Valentine's Day
My Eternal Love Arrived

By Son of the Ocean, Mainland China (Originally in Chinese)

Master once said that love runs deep among men, and that's how I have always been. My love runs extraordinarily deep. For this reason, I have suffered greatly. Specifically, two failed relationships transformed an energetic youth into a little old man, and at the time only I knew how miserable my life really was. In addition, the half-dazed state in which I found myself during these affairs contributed to the general chain of frustrations in my life.

From my youngest days, I was always a diligent child eager to learn and achieve in the world. I demanded perfection and consistency in all things, and this attitude set the direction for my lofty ideals about love, as I would remain stubbornly attached to one lover and try to make the relationship work at all costs. Before I was initiated, I met my first girlfriend, and we vowed that our love would last till the end of time. I did not understand then the ephemeral nature of physical relations and was dejected when she left me after a short while. To make matters worse, a serious crisis also occurred in my family, and it seemed as if a long steel pin had pierced my heart. My inner pain, generated by ignorance, changed my life, and I swore that I would find either eternal life or an eternal lover. Otherwise, my existence would be meaningless.

Around this time, I was initiated into the Quan Yin Method, became fully charged with energy, and began to conjure up romantic images again. Life after life, I had been trapped in the bondage of seeking romantic love, which kept me from attaining liberation. However, my mind would never give up on the quest. Even when my efforts came to a dead end, as they always did, I refused to yield or become awakened. So I began another sensational love affair, which, of course, again ended tragically. I never craved fame, wealth or social status -- my only dream was to find an eternal lover.

So on Valentine's Day 2004, I found myself struggling in agony since all my hopes and dreams had died once more, and I began praying to Master, saying, "Oh, Master! This miserable soul is now totally in Your hands. I'm at my wit's end!" Then, out of the great silence, Master gently soothed me in the innermost regions of my soul and said, "Quit your infatuation, my child! I am the perpetual Lover whom you have always sought!" Upon hearing these enlightening words, tears rolled from my eyes, washing away the sorrow and agony I had accrued over many lifetimes.

Master, except for You, who else could I ever imagine as my eternal lover? Who else would stay with me life after life without ever forsaking me? Only You, Master! You are my timeless love! Now I exist in perfect tranquility and bliss and am no longer a miserable soul struggling in a corner. For eternity, I will only follow You and go through thick and thin to remain by Your side!