Quan Yin Messengers’ Travel Log


With the Almighty Power, Nothing is Impossible


by a Quan Yin messenger (originally in Chinese)

Recently I had a chance to visit China and exchange spiritual insights with local fellow practitioners. Feeling grateful to Master for giving me this precious educational opportunity, I embarked on my journey of love fully charged with God’s grace. During the trip, a piece of good news reached me — the consciousness of the world’s population had been further elevated — filling my heart with even greater bliss!

During the excursion to China Master took complete care of me inwardly and outwardly, as I came to realize that the Almighty power arranges everything in advance. While serving merely as Master’s tool, I could perceive the intense ties of affinity shared between Master and sentient beings through many lifetimes. As Master says, “When helping others, the first one who benefits is actually ourselves,” and so I could feel myself growing through my work. If we truly adhere to and practice our omnipotent Master’s teachings, and constantly rely on Her great power, we will attain spiritual growth at a rapid pace.

While traveling through China, I observed that its environment was not conducive to spiritual cultivation. Fellow initiates in the country suffered numerous financial difficulties and lacked adequate means of communication. So if they missed an initiation session, it might be a very long time before another opportunity arose. Such periods of anxious longing can be tormenting, and it is truly touching that their faith in Master remained firm. Because of their sincere longing and strong belief, God bestows on them infinite love and blessings, and so almost every fellow practitioner in China has had excellent spiritual experiences. For example, some have been notified by Master’s manifestation form to prepare for initiation, some have been informed of the Quan Yin messenger's arrival in advance of their initiation, and others have beheld the inner Light form of Master blessing everyone at the venue on initiation day. In addition, there are far too many other testimonials of inner bliss to cite here.

The Master Power always prepares me for upcoming trips through the teachings contained in Master’s earlier discourses, which provide supplements for me both within and without so that I can serve as a tool of God. While functioning in the outside world, I deeply cherish all the lessons that Master gave us during our years together in Hsihu, for I often find them useful in practical situations. From this, I have come to better understand Master’s painstaking efforts at the time.

I know I am not yet perfect, and shall continue to learn in humility, while constantly reminding myself of Master’s message to initiates on the First Saints’ Day: “Remember God, endeavor to meditate with greater concentration, have faith in the Master Power and be grateful to God. Be humble, humble and humbler. Study the teachings diligently and serve the public selflessly.” These words may be few, but they provide a powerful stimulus for spiritual growth — Master’s precious gift to all fellow practitioners.