by sister-initiate Old Monkey, Munich, Germany

Recently I began thinking a great deal about the nature of spiritual development, especially after learning that most of the earth’s population has been elevated to a higher level by our beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai. My first thought was, “Wow! Fancy that we still need Master to ‘carry’ us.” However, I soon came to understand that we really do very little by ourselves.

Although we meditate two-and-a-half hours a day and adhere to a vegetarian diet, we often fail to reach high enough. In my own practice, I have gradually begun to have inner experiences, enjoying the inner Light and Sound, beautiful inner visions and occasional periods of clairvoyance and telepathy, all of which have given me hope so that I feel my life has started anew. At these times I think, “Wow, I’m progressing.” But now I believe that such “progress” is still at the beginner’s level and not much above bodily or worldly awareness. How I yearn to fly from the earthly domain to higher levels, to the Fifth Level, to our original Home!

Sometimes I even believe I have sufficient strength to do things without Master’s blessing, thinking, “Master can have a rest now.” But I quickly learn through experience that this is not the case, and that without Master I can do nothing well. It is just in these moments when I feel strong enough to “go it alone” that I find I must depend on Master more. In many situations this “proud monkey” has been forced to admit that she was just a nobody.

For example, at work I was long popular with all my colleagues and readily accepted as a vegetarian and spiritual practitioner. So I began to think, “I must be practicing well because my co-workers like me. I feel ‘strong’ now, Master. Maybe I can walk alone.” Soon, however, a new person came to work with me on an assignment, and we disliked each other immediately, creating a “cold-war” atmosphere in the workplace. We tried to get along, but simply could not, and I eventually felt forced to leave the project.

After leaving, I thought about this relationship, and realized I had forgotten Master’s teachings on humility and tolerance, keeping only myself and my own righteousness in mind. Since I had forgotten Master, only the egotistical notion “I might be strong enough to walk alone” had remained in my mind. I saw that as a spiritual practitioner, I should have forgiven my co-worker and not have expected him to treat me kindly. I then begged Master to give me a chance to go back to the office and work again with that colleague, and soon he unexpectedly invited me back to the project. This time, although we were still not friends, the strong antagonism between us disappeared.

In such situations, it is frustrating to admit how truly weak the ego is. But when I abandon my frustration, I can put aside my pride and rely on the strength of the Almighty, realizing that we must keep Master in mind at all times through Her teachings and put them into action. Thus, our spiritual level will be enhanced, we will feel less with our physical faculties, and life events will unfold naturally like the spring warmth that silently melts winter’s ice. Even though we ask for nothing, the miracles will come and we will innocently receive God’s grace. When we rely on the Master Power instead of our own mind, we can finally progress. The Chinese proverb “The pure heart is like a child’s, attached to nothing” describes this state.

Besides maintaining purity of heart we should also be ever attentive to God, not only while sitting still and concentrating, but also when we are active in the world. If we meditate sincerely, but later speak as if we are throwing knives and stones, and if we think negatively and blame God for not helping us enough, then what is the use of meditating?

Daily meditation should quiet our minds so that we can focus on the inner world continuously, even while encountering negative people and events. When we constantly turn inward, our happiness supplies enough wisdom for us to work out all our problems, no matter how stressful. And we come to love other beings naturally as we love ourselves. Love and forgiveness become our natural habits no matter what our abilities or skills. Then we can say that we have made a bit of spiritual progress. At that time, we may begin moving upwards into the spiritual domain through God’s grace and Master’s love.

Above all, what we need to do is cherish — cherish everything that Master bestows on us!