We Have to Keep Renewing
ur Connection with God


After initiation, we still have to renew our connection with God again and again, or else we’ll suffer from the illusion of being less than children of God. So we each have to be reminded again because every day we spend about eighteen to twenty hours in the world, where everyone else in society, even our friends and relatives, remind us that we’re mere mortals, that we’re weak, we’re physical, we’re nothing. So we have to spend at least two-and-a-half hours, one tenth of our time, reminding ourselves, “No, no: I’m God’s child. I’m a spiritual being; I’m great.” That’s the time we spend reminding ourselves, counteracting the world’s pressure so that we don’t let people convince us that we’re merely weak human beings; that’s why we have to meditate each day. Otherwise once you get initiated, that would be enough; you’d be Buddha: finished, final.


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Four-day Retreat, London, U.K., August 27, 1997 (originally in English) Videotape No. 595