Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Four-day Retreat in Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
October 22, 1993 (originally in English) Videotape No. 383

Only through the QuanYin can we get through all kinds of levels of consciousness. That's why we see many people who meditate on the Light but haven't yet gotten to the level at which to contact the Sound, and their lives don't change much.

With many kinds of meditation that are on the intellectual level, like asking the meaning of koans (Zen Buddhist riddles), or that focus on a lamp, people see Light also, but their lives don't change much. Because some Light levels are below the elevating Sound level. Some people meditate on the Light, and in Samadhi, or in moments of extreme concentration, they will also contact the Sound automatically. And at that time, they're also doing the QuanYin. So, they have the Sound and Light together. But they don't know how to get to the Sound without effort because they haven't been connected with the Sound by a competent friend, a competent guide. So, it's easier for us because we know how. In the modern day, "know-how" is the key to success. So, know-how also applies in the practice of meditation. Therefore, even if we haven't been in true Samadhi, and we still get some taste of the benefit of the Sound Current, it helps to revive our body and spirit.

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Mexico City, Mexico,
May 23, 1998 (originally in English) Videotape No. 627

Whenever we're tired of the world's abuses, we're tired of the endless struggle for survival, we're tired of mental fatigue, and we sit down and do the Quan Yin for a while, we feel every bit of the happiness that shuttles back and forth in our inner soul.