In Her lecture "To Know God We Must Be God" delivered in Rome, Italy on May 22, 1999, Master said, "Every time we act kindly to people, we create a great Heaven between us and that person, and also in the surroundings." Brother Chen Wei-Hwa has observed this principle in his career as a physician. Free from the desire for fame and fortune, and simply doing what he has to do, brother Chen recently won unexpected recognition when he received the Eight-Virtue Award, the highest distinction among the national "Good People, Good Deeds" awards granted by the Association for Citing Good People and Good Deeds R.O.C. Brother Chen will now devote even greater effort to his education and to lighting the flame of love in order to share Master's great care and compassion with all! May love light up every corner of the world and bring eternal peace and health to humankind.


Meeting Master through God's Grace

During my childhood and youth, I lived under the high expectations of my parents, eventually entering medical school and becoming a gynecologist and obstetrician. As I look back at my past, I clearly realize that God has always taken good care of me, and my gratitude is beyond words.

On the operating table at the hospital where I work, I often welcome the arrival of new lives. I have also seen many patients reach the end of the journey of their lifetimes. The two extreme situations of great joy and deep sorrow brought about by these events used to mystify me about the ultimate meaning of life, and I wondered, "Who actually rules our lives?" Many times I attended Buddhist retreats or worshipped Buddha's statues seeking an answer to this question, but nothing could help resolve the ongoing puzzle in my mind. However, these concerns gradually faded in the midst of my busy life as a doctor until I went to study in Oxford, England. When I read the wonderful lectures by Supreme Master Ching Hai published in the overseas edition of Formosa's Central Daily News, I suddenly felt enlightened, and the true meaning of life became clear to me, filling my soul with indescribable joy. Master's words printed every other week in the Central Daily News became the spiritual food that I craved.

It was a remarkable arrangement by God that in the last year of my study in England, Brother Loh from Formosa's National Defense Medical Center also came to study at Oxford, where he set up a local center for group meditation. With great happiness, I learned the Convenient Method, and began practicing meditation and vegetarianism. However, just as I was preparing for initiation, my father informed me that my mother was undergoing a serious illness and I rushed home. Two operations failed to save my mother's life. At this time I shared with my father the precious teachings of Supreme Master Ching Hai, and he decided to become a vegetarian and request initiation. Mother's death made me realize the urgency of pursuing spirituality. A few months later, on my flight home with my wife and children after completing my overseas studies, we began to follow a strict vegetarian diet, and sought initiation upon returning to Formosa.

About three months later, Master came back to Formosa, and on a holiday just before a typhoon, our whole family went to Hsihu for initiation. My wife was frightened and anxious on the highway as dark clouds loomed in the sky, but for me it was one opportunity in thousands of eons to be initiated by a living Master. Thank God, we were all initiated into the Quan Yin Method that day. Without my father's cultivation and Master's grace for bestowing on me a new life through our initiation, I would not be the person I am today.

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