Inspiring Events

- When All Hearts Beat as One

During the videoconference between Master and Sydney disciples, Master suggested that the initiates speak directly into the telephone as the sound quality was not very good. When it was my turn to ask questions, I found that my voice could not be transmitted through the loudspeakers and the audience could not hear Master. The two contact persons then suggested that we end the conversation and call Master again one minute later, and Master agreed. However, the contact persons forgot that they did not have Master’s phone number until after I had hung up. Just at that moment of anxiety and loss, the familiar sound of a phone ringing burst from the loudspeakers. Master had called back! I cried out in excitement and gratitude: “Master, You’re fantastic! There’s nothing that You don’t know!” At that time, I must have been so happy that I sounded incoherent.

After the last question was answered, Master asked us with great concern if the connection had been fixed and whether we could see Her. I said no, but we already felt very contented to be able to hear Her loving words and feel Her profound concern. Just then, the two brothers in charge of technical arrangements whispered excitedly at my side, “We’re about to make the connection. Please ask Master to give us another minute.” I immediately pleaded with Master to stay online for another minute because we would soon be able to see Her on the screen. However, the picture still did not appear. Again I eagerly asked Master not to leave, and She felt our anxiety and quickly comforted us: “I’m here! I’m here!” I was deeply touched by Master’s loving words and we all felt Her profound love for us. Finally, Master’s beautiful image appeared on the screen, and all the fellow practitioners present cried aloud with joy, as many were moved to tears. The sincere feelings between Master and disciples at that moment were beyond human language. All that we wanted to say was conveyed in silence. What a wonderful experience!