Panorama of Events


---Report from South Africa


[Johannesburg] Surrounded by natural grasslands on a hill north of Johannesburg, the Gauteng Center is a picture of simplicity and perfection. Newly planted saplings dance in the breeze around the Center, and the vegetable garden, full of healthy greenery, is yet another product of careful attendance by the initiates living at the Center.

Interior renovation, including painting, tiling and the installation of new light fixtures, is more or less completed through the enthusiastic participation and meticulous planning of local initiates. Of course, none of this would have been possible without Master’s invisible arrangements.

On Sunday, August 25, 2002, after the first local retreat ended, an initiation session was held for the first time in the Center’s meditation hall, which had been inaugurated with great pomp and ceremony on the same day. Many enthusiastic brothers and sisters worked together to make the event a successful and joyous occasion.

In the Center’s front garden, saplings grow vigorously through the initiates’ meticulous cultivation.

Gauteng initiates ingeniously design and complete interior renovation of the Center.

Initiates from Pretoria have recently joined the Gauteng Center, which is now the shortest distance away from Pretoria compared to other centers in the region.

Wherever the initiates sit at the Center, enjoying fragrant green tea, eating pumpkin seeds and watching a beautiful sunset, they feel happy and contented in the embrace of Master’s sacred love. And their hearts fill with gratitude at Her endless blessings, as they understand only too well that everything comes from the grace of God!

Report from South Africa
Report from the USA

Events Datebooks

To keep pace with the planet's ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing activities worldwide.
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives.
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