Selected Questions and Answers



Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Florida, USA, May 11, 2002 (Originally in English)

Q: Master, I don't pray a lot for myself. Life just happens and I meditate. And if it's not positive, I meditate more. But I have a question about praying for others. There're often bad circumstances happening to people we love, or people we don't know, and we say, "Oh, let's pray for them." (M: Yes.)

So I sit down and think, "OK, I'll pray for them." But then I think, "But they're God, and they chose this and they might learn something from it." Anything I ever perceived as bad that happened to me was a tremendous learning experience. I changed and grew in so many ways. So I can't say it's bad. And I think that might be true for them, too. So my question is, how can I use prayer to help people? And what does it sound like?

M: If you feel like praying, then you should just pray automatically. At that time, you can't help yourself. Because you're praying not just for them, but also for yourself so that you can bear that situation.

Q: You comfort yourself.

M: Yes, because sometimes you see people suffer so much, you can't do anything else but pray, "Please, do something, if it's Your Will." Or at least you can pray, "Please, whatever happens, let him benefit from it so he can learn and know You better." But who cares? They will all know Hirm in the end.

Q: I think to pray, and then I think, "Just meditate."

M: You have to! You have to pray.

Q: I don't know what to say. Because I think, "Whatever's happening, they're going to know more; it's going to be more of the Path."

M: Then that's OK. If you realize that, then don't pray. But if you have to pray, you can pray. If you don't want to, don't pray. It depends on you. If you think God takes care of everything anyway, then you don't have to pray. But your sympathy is already a prayer. Do you see what I mean?

Q: OK. I do feel all of those feelings. But I'm not sure about making a request. I don't feel comfortable with that.

M: Yes, you wish somehow that this person didn't suffer so much and that he didn't have to go through this. Nevertheless, he has to. You see it, that's all. Sympathy is also a prayer. Because the moment you think of that person with love and sympathy, you transmit your good thinking. And who is it? It's God in there. God looks upon the suffering of Hiers own and Hes feels sorry, from Hirmself.

Q: Maybe the best prayer is just "Love, love, love."

M: Yes, yes. That's a prayer, yes.

Let Your Heart Be Your Guide
The Connection between Master and Sentient Beings
Sympathy Is Also A Prayer We Are All Part of the Universe's Great Work

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