Panorama of Events

Report from Ontario, Canada

Lunar New Year Party

[Ottawa] On Lunar New Year's eve, initiates from the Ottawa Center participated in a party held by the local Chinese community. Although low temperatures kept many guests at home, we had a constant flow of visitors at our booth. People came to watch Master's video lectures and ask for sample booklets and copies of the News magazine. Some immediately acquired Master's publications, and others returned several times to inquire about Master's teachings and the Quan Yin Method. One elderly woman said that she had read The Key of Immediate Enlightenment after borrowing it from a library, and wished to know more about Master's teachings. After hearing a fellow initiate's introductory remarks, she immediately asked to learn the Convenient Method. Another lady spent a long time watching Master's video lecture, and from time to time laughed approvingly. She left with a sense of satisfaction after learning that she could borrow Master's videotapes from our center. A number of visitors said that they had heard of Master previously and were delighted to have the chance to learn more about Her teachings. Many also asked for News magazines to read at home.

While doing our best to accomplish the task of sharing the Truth, we all experienced Master's blessings, God's love, and sentient beings' longing for liberation. We sincerely pray that Master's grace and divine compassion can continue to be passed through us to those brothers and sisters still struggling in hardship and longing for spiritual insight.

All Ottawa Center initiates sincerely wish Master good health and happiness, and our fellow practitioners around the world rapid spiritual progress in the new year!

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