Love in Action

Report from Montreal, Canada

Aulacese New Year Exhibition 2002
-- Master's Loving Gifts for Destitute People

(Originally in English)

Many passersby stop to admire our attractive booth.

On February 10, 2002, an Aulacese New Year celebration was held at the Hippodrome of Montreal. This year, the Aulacese community rented a much larger auditorium than in previous years, with a capacity of more than 15,000. The Montreal Center was well prepared to receive the Aulacese and other multiethnic guests with an exposition booth more spacious and comfortable than last year's. Many guests stopped to watch Master's videotapes on the three TV sets we had placed in different eye-catching locations around the venue.

Photo with an immigration judge (left) at our booth.

The Canada Television (CTV) network attentively shot video footage at our booth, and Radio Canada, one of the largest radio stations in Montreal, interviewed us about the Quan Yin Method. Among the federal and municipal personalities who stopped by our exhibition stand was a senior immigration judge who had helped more than 60,000 Aulacese and 100,000 Chinese, Filipinos, and Indians acquire Canadian citizenship. Before departing, she insisted on taking a photo with us in front of Master's booth. We offered her some of Master's books and videotapes as well as a suit of Celestial Clothes designed by Master. One of the security guards at the celebrations came to ask for a sample booklet. She later came back for more sample booklets and magazines for her colleagues and asked for the address of the local center.

Master's love comes with every gift for less fortunate Aulacese.

One Aulacese woman, who was learning about Master for the first time, was immediately attracted by Master's artistic talents and acquired one of Her poetry books on the spot. The president of the Aulacese community in Montreal, also a well-known medical professor at McGill University, visited us at the exhibition and shared this thought: "I'm very respectful and very proud of what Master did, especially for the children at St. Jude Hospital and the Starlight Children's Foundation." Also, the exhibitor next to us, a man who practices meditation, felt Master's great power coming from our booth. He came to ask us who this lady was and why Her power was so strong, and requested the address of the Montreal Center.

At 4 PM, we started distributing New Year's gifts to less fortunate families with many children. The recipients were overwhelmed with joy and thanked Master for Her compassion and for remembering them at this time, when they were so far away from their homeland. They left our booth with happy, smiling faces.

Supreme Master Ching Hai's Expenses for the Aulacese New Year
Exhibition 2002 (including booth rental fees &
loving gifts for destitute people in Montreal, Canada)