

Dedicated to the World's Teachers of Little Children

Come, sit and speak to me,
When night falls.
My mother has told me
To speak to You about my life.
Before falling asleep,
I pray to You.

With mischievous elves,
Tired from play,
I go each day to an enchanted kingdom,
Where beautiful fairies dwell,
Wearing dresses of green
With white collars,
Flapping their magical wings.
With their green garb,
They dry my tears
And hold me close,
Warming my heart.
The child in me
Sings and laughs with them,
Sharing their dreams and faith.


In their tiny hands
Are hidden magicians,
Pulling out golden bread
And giving it to everyone,
To mothers and children.

You, who are the Great Magician
Of the divine Heaven,
I pray to You tonight
For the sad children.
Please bring fairies
In green dresses
By their pillows,
To guard them,
And dry their tears.
Bring radiant smiles
To their cold lips,
That they may laugh and sing
As I have,
That they may sleep smiling
In their warm embrace.

By sister initiate Corina Gallegos Zenteno,
Santiago, Chile (Originally in Spanish)