Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Hsihu, Formosa, September 25, 1991
(Originally in English)


English, Spanish, Aulacese subtitles
English, Spanish, Aulacese subtitles

You know thoughts are very important, very powerful - the existence and quality of God - so that at that moment, or at least, when we meditate, or we remember God, our thoughts are holy and pure and unconditional. So we don't create anything bad - only holy vibrations and powerful blessing.

So when these powerful blessings and this thought power are generated around us and within our environment, they rise up, and then other people who are also holy and practicing, they also generate the same thought, same blessing, same power. And like attracts like, and these attract each other and make it become a very powerful force, which defeats all the evil, negative influence in this world.

And that's how the world will become purified and improved day by day. That's how we help the world without having to do charity work even, without having to go out and preach. Yes, of course, when we go out and preach, we bring, momentarily, some high vibrations within, into the minds of the audience and raise them up for a while, or maybe permanently, or maybe for a long time. And maybe these persons go home, and then they carry these vibrations with them, and they nourish them, and they become stable in this holy atmosphere. And they grow holy, too - pure and stable. But it takes a powerful person to do that. Otherwise we are not influencing people. On the contrary, we will be influenced by them. Because the mass - the majority of the people - are many more minds put together, and we have only one. If we are not strong enough to cover all the minds up, then they will engulf us, and we are in danger.

Nevertheless, we do not need to do that. We can just sit in our corner, in a quiet corner of our bedroom and send out good thoughts, good vibrations, powerful blessing into the world and the universe at large. That's why we must meditate in order to purify our thoughts.

Every time we remember God, every time we remember the Holy Names of God, we are empowered with purity, holiness and blessings. And whoever is in the same consciousness, same level with us, will be united with us at that moment. And we add it to the force, to the positive force to purify the world and to make the world a better and better place, and to help those people who have similar minds with us to be more enforced, and to help those who come in contact with our thoughts, come in contact with our presence, to have more power, to raise themselves up. That's the best way to help the world.

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