By sister initiate Hsieh Shu-chen,
Taichung, Formosa

Chien-chun is one of two little vegetarian students in my class. At the beginning of each semester, the school where I teach conducts a survey to find out how many students are vegetarian and how many are non-vegetarian. I always pay special attention to the vegetarian students in the class and encourage them with approval. When I saw the shy blush and radiant look on the innocent face of Chien-chun, I could not hold back my love for her.

Recently, a few months after the semester began, I came to know the parents of my students better. Like many parents who wait by the gate to pick up their children after school, Chien-chun's mother comes with two preschool-age children to pick up her two older children from my school. Each time I see her, I cannot help feeling the difficulty she must have in raising four children.

One day as usual, I went for group meditation at our center, and as I left the meditation hall, I suddenly saw Chien-chun's mother! Both of us cried out, "Sister!" We realized then that we are children of the same Mother.

I later learned that this sister and her husband were initiated ten years ago. But after initiation, they had four children in a row, which kept the sister busy while the brother devoted much of his time to his factory. Thus, their schedules kept them from attending group meditation. Recently the factory was destroyed in a fire with unidentified causes, and the owners incurred a loss of more than NT$10 million. The sister's mother succumbed to illness the following day. Then, her brother-in-law had to undergo brain surgery. Misfortunes came one after another, as the sister deeply experienced the ephemeral nature of life and the helplessness of mortals, which led her to analyze herself, repent, and finally to pray to Master for guidance.

Before long, she had a dream wherein Master shone brilliantly and melted her with incredible mercy and love. The sister felt very touched by this experience. Master looked a little disappointed; however, She said to her with high expectations: "Practice the Quan Yin Method well before you do anything else!" The sister repented. She knew how dearly Master loves her and that She has never forsaken her for a single second.

At every group meditation, we now see the sister come with all four of her children. She often tells me, "Only meditation can give you power!" She thinks her children are lessons of love that God has arranged for her to learn, but this is nothing compared to Master's great love and patience in being our guardian at all times. But the sister will be patient, take good care of her children, and fulfill the duties of a good mother. When I asked if she might become "a lost lamb" once more, she answered firmly: "It will never happen again."


Quan Yin Family




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