Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Panama November 29, 1989
(Originally in English)

Each time we take any action, we reflect what God thinks of our action. If what we are doing pleases God, then it is righteous.


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Panama November 29, 1989
(Originally in English)

If we treat everyone as a brother and sister, then soon, all differentiation, all hatred, and all misunderstanding will be erased.


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa
November 26, 1989
(Originally in Chinese)

If we spiritual practitioners still have fears, preferences, and needs, then we are still not 100 percent true.


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa
December 6, 1988
(Originally in Chinese)

We spiritual practitioners should speak the truth. Why? It is because we are seeking the Truth. Speaking words that are not true only brings harm to us.


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa
December 20, 1988
(Originally in Chinese)

In this world, we cannot be too impatient. When we want something, we should try not to want it, and then it will become ours. This is very strange. The more we want something, the further it will be from our reach. The same is true for enlightenment and attainment of the Truth. By no means should we push God anxiously and nervously to let us become Buddhas. Instead, we should remain calm and cool, and just fulfill our daily obligations.


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa
January 12, 1989
(Originally in Chinese)

We should think more positively, optimistically, and courageously, and then it will become a habit, for everything is created by the mind.




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We don't learn for the other people to know. We learn so that we know and that we can bless the world silently by our inner glory and love.

~ Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai

News No. 114