Media Report

(a publication reporting on the spiritual world of Korea.)

June Edition, 2000 (Originally in Korean)

Spot Report

The Supreme Master Ching Hai, teacher of the Quan Yin Method, visits Korea and delivers an open Lecture, "Experience the Divine"

Reporter: Park, Kwen-kyu

On May 8th 2000, an open lecture by Supreme Master Ching Hai, a spiritual Master from Au Lac, was held at the COEX Center Convention Hall in Samsung-dong. The lecture was the last by Master Ching Hai on Her " Ocean of Love" tour of nine countries in Oceania and Asia. The Korean lecture was held in great anticipation by approximately 9,000 audience members.

As Master Ching Hai entered the hall in a beautiful Korean traditional yellow coat and blue skirt, She was welcomed by a thunderous round of applause. With that, She paid careful attention to getting closer to Her Korean audience. While Master Ching Hia entered the Hall, many people on both sides of Her crowded close to touch or shake Her hand.

Before beginning the lecture, whose theme was "Experience the Divine," Master Ching Hai suggested that the audience pray for all the people of South and North Korea, so that the divided nation's people can live in love and peace. After the prayer, She said in a loving and elegant voice that we are all one. We all have the God Nature or Buddha Nature inside, which is our real Nature, but not everyone truly knows this. She continued by pointing out that humankind already has experienced many illusions, and that we now only have one thing to do; namely, to find our True Self.

Every religion says that God is inside us, and if God is inside us, it is very simple to see God. We have all forgotten the message taught by the great Masters over the ages, who said that God is within us, we are God, and we can see our True Self.

Master Ching Hai also said that it is very easy and simple to know the God Nature inside us. She said She would guide us in finding our true Nature, and expressed Her confidence in spiritual salvation by saying that whoever gets initiation can find his or her true Nature.

After speaking for about one hour, Master conducted a question and answer session. A loving atmosphere pervaded the Hall throughout the lecture. Afterwards, hundreds of people stayed behind to receive initiation or learn the Convenient Method.

About the Quan Yin Method

Quan Yin Meditation, which is taught by the Supreme Master Ching Hai and practiced by millions of people worldwide, is said to be the most ancient meditation method, involving "contemplating" the spiritual Light and Sound, which exist inside us. The Quan Yin Method, which is also said to be the easiest and fastest way to know one's Self, is transmitted without words, and enables us to find our inner omnipotent power again. This power is said to be manifested in the form of inner Light and Sound.

There are no conditions for learning the Quan Yin Method, except that one should keep a pure vegetarian diet; meditate two and a half hours daily; and keep the Five Precepts, namely, "do not kill, do not tell lies, do not steal, do not engage in sexual misconduct, and do not take intoxicants."

Those who are not prepared to practice the Quan Yin Method can learn the Convenient Method. Convenient Method practitioners do not have to be life-long vegetarians, but should maintain a pure vegetarian diet for at least ten days a month, and meditate for 30 minutes a day, but no more.

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