Report from Brazil

Distributing Master’s Gift
for Elevating the World

By Goiania News Group (Originally in Portuguese)

[Goiania] Recently, initiates in Brazil felt very privileged to begin distributing Alternative Living flyers to the public. They handed out the flyers in downtown markets, fairs and parks, as well as workplace settings and throughout their own neighborhoods. Practitioners were also given permission to display the flyers in many of the local schools, libraries and natural products shops. A further opportunity became available when a popular Brazilian radio station, Difusora de Goiania, invited initiates for an interview to talk about Alternative Living’s message of vegetarianism and a more compassionate way of living.

Initiates had very positive experiences of handing out the flyers, with people often expressing pleasure to receive them. One initiate said, “Our satisfaction and happiness can’t be described, which we only know when we try.” Brazilian initiates all felt thankful to Master for helping them make it possible to share this loving gift from God.

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What can human beings do to deal with repeated outbreaks of epidemic diseases? To address this question and save the lives of countless animals, Master has personally compiled a concise article complete with colorful illustrations entitled “Alternative Living”, providing basic information about vegetarian alternatives to the meat-based diet and a list of the “Vegetarian and Vegan Elite of the World.”
Please refer to for details. The print version in various languages will be available later. You are welcome to forward, reproduce, reprint or set up an Internet link to this flyer.