Master's Words

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
International Four-day Retreat, London, U.K.,
August 24, 1997 (Originally in English)

English, Spanish, Aulacese
English, Spanish, Aulacese

Sisters and brothers, it is very delicate when we meditate and we have so many problems daily. It's very difficult for us to concentrate on God. Just to think of the name of God, or even to remember that God exists is already very difficult. We tend to forget God when we need God the most. But this is the practice. This is why we have to do it every day, until we overcome our weaknesses, overcome our problems, and remember God every time, in every situation of our life. Until we close our eyes and we see Hirm. It's not that in one minute to the next, you can become united with God right away. After thousands of reincarnations, millions of years of recycling yourself in this world, it is very difficult indeed to re-acquire this habit of remembering who we really are.

We are Gods. We are one with God. If we are one with God, that means we are God. At least if we are the children of God, we have the God quality. Any child bears some resemblance to his father, by having the father's DNA and blood type inside. So we cannot say we are not Gods. If we are not Gods, or we are not the children of God, where do we come from? Dinosaurs? And then where do the dinosaurs come from? They have to be traced back to the origin somehow. But we have forgotten this. Even I forget sometimes, when I am under pressure and suffer. I forget it for your sake, so that I can suffer.

So maybe you have forgotten yourself for someone else's sake. Or, that is your sacrifice. You struggle for someone else's benefit. It's all right. But don't lose heart; just continue. The fact that you have come to seek God through initiation, the fact that you have come all the way here, despite the difficulty of your journey, your country, your job, or your family problems, you come and sit here a whole week in this intensive period of time, hoping to find God, that is very, very precious already.
The intention is important, not always the result. God knows! God knows our intention. That is very important. And you know your intention. That's important. The Light and Sound are only the proof that God exists. Hes exists anyhow, whether we see or don't see.

In the Bible, it is stated, "Blessed are those who do not see but believe." The people who see God, who experience God, they believe. That's easy; their longing is not intense any more. But for the ones who don't see, their longing is the substitution for blessing. As long as we still long for God, we still have the blessing, we have the connection with God, we feel that we have something to work for, something to strive for, to achieve, it's okay.



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